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Webinar Title: On-Demand Webinar: FREE WEBINAR: Rules of the thumb in canine and feline radiology

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Deciding if an organ or structure is normal or not while reading radiographs can be a challenging task. Learning and using the rules of the thumb can help us be more confident when deciding if an organ or structure is large or normal. This webinar will help you familiarise yourselves with the rules we use to assist our decision for the size of an organ or structure.

Learning objectives 

  • Familiarise and Apply Key Radiographic Measurements in Radiographs of the dog and cat
    Participants will be able to be able to measure and interpret measurements on organs and structures for which rules of the thumb are available
  • Evaluate Normal and Abnormal Anatomical Structures on Lateral and VD/DV Radiographs
    Learners will identify and assess the normal proportions and relationships of the organs seen in small animal radiographs
  • Use the Rules of the Thumb to Diagnose Common Thoracic and Abdominal Abnormalities Based on Radiographic Guidelines
    By the end of the lecture, Participants will be familiar with the utilisation of the rules of the thumb to detect deviations and diagnose potential clinical conditions such as tracheal hypoplasia, cardiomegaly, or intestinal dilatation in small animals.

Who Should Attend:

  • Veterinary surgeons
  • Veterinary students

Why Attend:

  • Refresh your knowledge.
  • Build confidence in evaluating abdominal radiographs.
  • Learn from a renowned and experienced speaker.

Don’t miss this opportunity to refresh your knowledge of abdominal radiology. Register now for a session that promises to improve your knowledge in veterinary radiology.

Once purchased, this On-Demand Webinar will be available within the ‘My Account’ page. Simply click the ‘Content’ button to view the video and download all associated files.

Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £0.00.