Expert CPD Resource for Veterinary Students and Professionals

Webinar Title: On-Demand Webinar: Abdominal radiology of the dog and cat: a review

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Abdominal radiology is used daily in the everyday small animal clinical practice.  This webinar will refresh your knowledge of small animal abdominal radiology, help you familiarise yourselves with the normal radiographic anatomy and common abnormalities of the liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, genital tract, and peritoneum.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Normal Abdominal Radiographic Anatomy: become familiar with the normal abdominal radiographic anatomy in both dogs and cats. Pete Mantis will highlight important structures, their appearance and size allowing participants to confidently identify variations from the normal.
  2. Common abnormalities: You will become familiar with common abnormalities of the liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, genital tract, and peritoneum. Pete Mantis will show examples of common abnormalities and highlight major radiographic signs to help participants identify them.  
  3. Common contrast studies of the urinary tract: The technique and normal appearance along with examples of common abnormalities will be presented for intravenous urography (excretory urography) and retrograde urethrography/ vaginourethrography. Pete Mantis will go through the technique, normal appearance and variations form normal.  

Who Should Watch this On-Demand Webinar:

  • Veterinary Surgeons
  • Veterinary Students

Why You Should Watch this On-Demand Webinar:

  • Refresh your knowledge.
  • Build confidence in evaluating abdominal radiographs.
  • Learn from a renowned and experienced speaker.

Don’t miss this opportunity to refresh your knowledge of abdominal radiology. Purchase now for access to a video that promises to improve your knowledge in veterinary radiology.

Once purchased, this On-Demand Webinar will be available within the ‘My Account’ page. Simply click the ‘Content’ button to view the video and download all associated files.
