Expert CPD Resource for Veterinary Students and Professionals


Upcoming Webinars

VET Learn is excited to offer a variety of upcoming webinars for veterinary students and professionals. These webinars will cover a wide range of topics, from the latest advances in veterinary medicine to practical skills for the clinic.

Browse our range of upcoming webinars below:

Managing Epilepsy in Practice

Echocardiography in daily practice

Analysis of body cavity effusions – How to get the most clinically useful information

Beginner’s guide to Small Animal Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Prognostic indicators in and management of feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

How to handle, restrain, examine and sample pet birds and reptiles

How to approach dyspneic emergencies (including POCUS and management)

The emergency patient – Examination of blood smears

Echocardiography and cardiac diseases in Great Apes