Expert CPD Resource for Veterinary Students and Professionals

Upcoming Webinars

VET Learn is excited to offer a variety of upcoming webinars for veterinary students and professionals. These webinars will cover a wide range of topics, from the latest advances in veterinary medicine to practical skills for the clinic.

Browse our range of upcoming webinars below:

FREE WEBINAR: Lung patterns in small animal radiology – learn through radiographic cases

The emergency patient – Examination of blood smears

Echocardiography and cardiac diseases in Great Apes

Introduction to anterograde and retrograde rhinoscopy in small animals-from rigids to flexibles

How to close those tricky wounds, from head to toe

Lymphoma in First Opinion Practice: Forms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Lower Respiratory Endoscopy in Small Animals: principals of airway evaluation, TTW, BAL and interventional techniques (balloon dilation, stenting)

Oesophageal strictures in cats: the “whys” and “hows”

Canine Mast Cell Tumours: Presentation, Staging, Treatment